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What is PUSHCOM?

PUSHCOM is not just another communication tool- it's a game-changer, a communication solution that offers quantum security and none of the limitations commonly found in traditional radio systems, like range restrictions or government licensing fees.

PUSHCOM redefines the way you communicate, bringing a feature-rich platform to seamlessly integrate with professional rugged devices and commercial smartphones/tablets, with lightning-fast deployment, whether through an instantly available cloud solution or a 24-hour setup on a physical server.

With built-in N:1 High Availability (HA) capacity and geographic distribution support, PUSHCOM ensures your communication service runs smoothly around the clock, regardless of your location. This world-wide reliability is made possible by adhering to relevant IETF, 3GPP, and ETSI standards, making PUSHCOM a leader in industry compliance.


FABCOMMS offers a series of handsets and base stations with the PUSHCOM platform, that meet our customer's needs. Handsets are lightweight and easy to operate, and do not need any further infrastructure, other than a SIM or WIFI network to operate.  The equipment allows users to communicate across the globe at the push of a button, to groups defined by the user. A snapshot of some of the handsets used is below. Our sets interface with a wide range of applications, allowing maximum interface flexibility for our customers:


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PUSHCOM's Guard Tour system facilitates patrols and incorporates NFC tags to record them. The system answers three crucial questions: Who is carrying a specific registered device? Where is the device located at any given time, providing real-time GPS coordinates? When was the patrol recorded, including the date and time when the NFC tag was scanned?

Software used in daily operations:
a. Domain Software – to register and group devices
b. Dispatcher – Control Room operations software
c. Guard Tour – To regulate, set and monitor patrolling
PUSHCOM uses a small amount of data per month to operate (normally around 200MD per month). The level of data required depends on the customer's use. FABCOMMS will assist customers in tailoring the best data package for their specific needs and always considering value for money.
PUSHCOM implements military-grade encryption that meets international standards. All data exchanged between the client and the server is encrypted at the application level, utilizing TLS 1.2 with 2048-bit keys and cipher configuration, such as AES256 or CHACHA20, ensuring quantum-safe encryption. The server utilizes open-source encryption gnutls3, while user passwords in the database are encrypted with bcrypt, also considered quantum safe.


PUSHCOM's system architecture allows for infinite groups and individuals within those groups. Users can belong to multiple groups, and the system operates similarly to "Channels" or TETRA/VHF systems. [Include a clear description of the architecture and its capabilities]. Image 2 below indicates the process:

Reach out for more information or to discuss your
specific requirement. We respond to all enquiries.


Full training for operators shall be provided online to ensure users are competent and confident when using the PUSHCOM devices, system, and software.